11 Mind Blowing Weapons From World War II You-YOU NEVER KNOW ABOUT
1. V3 Cannon
Like the V1 cruise missile and the V2 rocket that preceded it, the Vergeltungswaffe 3 Cannon (a.k.a. “England Cannon”) was another so-called Nazi "vengeance weapon.” It was a massive super gun built directly into a hill and capable of firing artillery shells across the English Channel from France to London. The V3 operated according to a multi-charge principle in which secondary propellant charges were fired to progressively accelerate the projectile as it moved along the barrel of the cannon. During trials in May 1944, the V3 achieved a range of up to 55 miles (88 km), and tests in July 1944 saw shells reach a distance of 58 miles (93 km).2. Dora and Gustav Rail Cannons
Speaking of big guns — and the Nazis clearly had a thing for big guns — these two 31.5-inch caliber German cannons were absolute behemoths. And in fact, they are the largest cannons the world has ever seen. Each of them had to be transported in several pieces, assembled, and then mounted on a prepared emplacement —
After the fall of France, Winston Churchill vowed to “set Europe ablaze.” To that end, British secret agents were equipped with an assortment of disguised explosive devices that would have made even James Bond jealous — bombs that were made to look like soap, shoes, bottles of chianti, bicycle pumps, suitcases — and even rats.4. Yokosuka MXY-7 Ohka Kamikaze Attack Plane
Looking to refine the power of the Kamikaze attack, the Japanese introduced the Ohka in September 1944 — a large piloted bomb.
It was a rocket-propelled aircraft designed specifically for Kamikaze attacks and was equipped with a 2,643 pound warhead. During an attack, the Ohka was carried under the fuselage of a Mitsubishi G4M until its target was within range. Once released, a pilot would glide as close to the target as possible, hit the rocket engines, and then bullet towards the ship at a horrendous speed. The Allies quickly learned to attack the Ohka carrier aircraft before it had a chance to release it, greatly diminishing its effectiveness. But on at least one occasion it sunk a U.S. destroyer.
5. Soviet Anti-tank Dogs
As the Russians were being overwhelmed on the Eastern Front by the Wehrmacht, the Red Army took to desperate measures — including the use of the so-called anti-tank dog. Initially, these dogs were trained to carry a bomb to a specific target, release the device with its teeth, and then return to its operator. Unfortunately, it was nearly impossible to get the dogs to do this, so the Soviets relied on much simpler strategy: just blow up the dog.These suicide dogs were taught that food awaits them at the bottom of tanks. So, with a 26-pound bomb strapped on — and with the dogs deliberately kept hungry — they would desperately run to their targets in search of food, unaware of their eventual fate. A lever attached to the rig would strike the bottom of the tank as the dog dived under, causing the bomb to detonate. The dogs became so effective that some Germans began shooting any dog on sight. The Soviets used about 40,000 dogs for various army tasks, and an undocumented estimate places the number of German tanks destroyed at about 300.
6. Hobart’s Funnies
In preparation for D-Day, the Allies developed a host of unusual vehicles, many of which were named after warfare expert Percy Hobart. Here’s a sampling:
The Sherman CrabAVRE Bobbin
7. Ruhustahl SD 1400 “Fritz X” Radio-controlled Bomb
Dubbed Fritz-X, this was an air-launched German radio-controlled bomb. Its primary function was to destroy heavily armored naval targets. It was based on the standard SD 1400 armor-piercing bomb, but it featured superior aerodynamics, four small wings extending 4.4 feet (1.35 m) across, and a tail. But to drop the thing, a gunner had to fly directly over the intended target, thus leaving him tremendously exposed.
8. Henschel HS 293 Radio-controlled Glide Bomb
his radio-controlled glide bomb was the most effective guided weapon of the war — a bomb that destroyed numerous destroyers and trading ships. After being released by a German carrier aircraft, its rocket would fire for about 10 seconds, and then glide to its target for the rest of the way. It even featured a light installation at its rear so that the gunner could easily observe it, either at night or day. It was first deployed in August 1943, and is responsible for sinking the British corvette HMS Egret. Toward the end of the war, the Allies figured out how to tap into its radio frequencies, allowing them to interfere with the device and greatly reduce its effectiveness.
9. Unrotated Projectile
This is one of those ideas that looked good on paper, but proved awful in practice. A British innovation, the Unrotated Projectile was a short range rocket-firing anti-aircraft weapon with wires and parachutes attached. The idea was to create an aerial minefield. As these rockets slowly drifted back down, any aircraft flying through the deployment area would be a risk of snagging a cable which would pull the rocket towards it and detonate on impact. Trouble is, a slight change of wind could cause the rockets to drift back onto the ship that launched them. Despite this, it was used extensively during the early days of World War II.
10. X-Class Midget Submarines
Originally an Italian innovation, these tiny four-man British subs could reach distances of 1,200 miles, dive to a depth of 300 feet, and travel at a speed of 6 knots. Each mini-sub displaced about 30 tonnes of water when submerged. It only had one access hatch, which proved to be a major headache during emergencies.
11. Goliath tracked mine
Dubbed “doodlebugs” by the Allies, the Goliath was a remote-controlled demolition carrier.
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